Deities of Iskutai
The ancient nomadic tribes of Iskutai call themselves the Arrow People, herders and raiders. An increasingly powerful offshoot are the Silk People, who exchanged war for trade, herding for farming, and colorful pavilions for houses, fortresses, and temples. The first monks and paladins emerged from the temples of the Silk People, long ago.
The Iskutai have a strong tradition of gender equality and fluidity. They have had many notable female warriors, generals, chieftains, and sovereigns, and clerics often change gender roles as part of their maintaining contact with the otherworld. Many of those traditions are weakening among the Silk People, who adhere to stricter caste distinctions.
Centaurs are holy to the Iskutai, seen as wild, rampaging descendants of the gods from the time when man and horse were one. Paintings and sculptures show them as psychopomps for Khanan and messengers from the heavens.
All-father and sun god, protector and destroyer, the Great Horse. His symbol is a stallion rearing atop the sun. Domain: Tempest. Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Goddess of dawn and fertility. She is represented as a young woman with a halo of sunrays. Domains: Life, Love. Alignment: Neutral good.
God of learning, archery, herding, language, and divination. He is represented as a centaur holding scrolls and arrows. Domains: Forge, Knowledge. Alignment: Lawful neutral.
The first emperor. His domain became the empire of the Silk People, and in death he became emperor of the underworld. He is represented as a regal figure in elaborate silk robes, entirely obscured by hood and mask. Domain: Grave, Trickery. Alignment: Neutral evil.
Sky-goddess and creator of all. She is represented as a queenly woman with arms outstretched. Domain: Light. Alignment: Neutral.
God of night, the moon, the underworld, and unclaimed souls. His symbol is a griffin devouring the moon. Domains: Death, Summoning. Alignment: Lawful evil.
Mother-goddess of earth and sea. She is represented as a stout woman with the elaborate antlers of a male elk. Domain: Nature. Alignment: Lawful good.
Panther-god of battle, raiding, and murder. He is represented by a mighty warrior, half man and half panther, holding a bloody axe. Domain: War. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
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