Deities of Sindusa
The exalted scholars of Sindusa, the “Land of Light,” call it the birthplace of gods and mortals. A mighty, storied pantheon is variously described as residing in the Upper Heavens, the nearer Lower Heavens, and on or in the Earth. But every village also has its own local gods and spirits. Sindusan sages say worship of the gods of the Land of Light spread far over many years.
Bhora, Queen of the Dawn
Goddess of sunrise, spring, youth, beauty, love, fertility; mother of elves; a goddess of the Upper Heavens. Domains: Life, Love. Alignment: Chaotic good.
Chalangal the Wild
Goddess of the moon, the wilds, passion, prophecy, courage, madness, and inspiration, mother of beasts and queen of wood elves, who overthrew Dulsht and banished her to the underworld and moonless nights; a god of the Upper Heavens. Domains: Nature, Trickery. Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Diaral of the Sun and Sky
The distant creator of the universe who has countless aspects of every sex and gender, and whose chariot is the Sun that lights the day. Diaral established order and fate for all creation and taught the gods and mortals law, civilization, wisdom, and justice; a god of the Upper Heavens. Domains: Knowledge, Light. Alignment: Lawful neutral.
Dulsht the Bloody
Vampire, bat, stirge, owl, or spider goddess of the night, death, cruel fates, theft, and witchcraft; said to have been a form of Akashra who split away and refused to embrace anything but evil; queen of vampires, demons, and dark elves; a goddess of the Upper Heavens. Domains: Death, Life. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Kapikhan the Smith, the Monkey King
Ape god of mining, smithing, crafting, and loyalty, who who fought in the army of Akashra against the monsters of Dulsht, Samatur, and Selosa; famous for his holy quests on behalf of the gods; patron of dwarves and paladins; a god of the Lower Heavens. Domains: Forge, Knowledge. Alignment: Lawful good.
Kharan the Herder
God of herding, journeys, roads, crossroads; father of gnomes; a god of Earth. Domains: Nature, Summoning. Alignment: Neutral.
Samatur the Dragon
Said by some to be an earlier name for Tiamat: dragon-goddess of the ocean from whom Akashra raised the earth and nations. Goddess of greed and vengeance; mother of monsters; bound in the depths until the world’s end; a goddess of Earth. Domains: Summoning, Trickery. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Selosa, Queen of Heartbreak
Goddess of sorrow, impossible love, inevitable loss, and death; once propitiated to keep her at bay, then imprisoned after war with the gods; a goddess of the Lower Heavens. Domains: Grave, Love, Trickery. Alignment: Neutral evil.
Tulan of the Storm
King of Heaven; god of storms, thunder, rain, sailing, and battles; commanded the armies of heaven against Dulsht, Samatur, and Selosa; overthrows monsters and keeps cruel Samatur bound in the depths of the ocean; King of the Lower Heavens. Domains: Tempest, War. Alignment: Chaotic good.
Valda the Mother
Earth-goddess drawn by Diaral from the stuff of the chaotic sea and given shape and purpose, mother of gods and the first mortals; favorite of halflings; a goddess of Earth. Domain: Life. Alignment: Neutral good.
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