Deities of the Broken Empire
For a thousand years or more, the Zyirran Empire ruled coastal kingdoms and city-states around the mighty Sea of Storms. But it was overthrown generations ago by the inland Samarran kingdoms of the vast, sun-drenched east. Now it is the Broken Empire. The Samarrans built temples to their gods over the old altars of Zyirra, the great city-state at the heart of the old empire. But worship of the Zyirran pantheon, and countless local gods and spirits, thrives in shadows, catacombs, and fortresses.
Samarran Deities
Bahamut the Sustainer
The river-dragon, the shining guardian, the source of stability who holds up the earth and keeps it from being devoured by chaos. Bahamut is the patron of the Nasaru (“Protectors”), dragonborn clans that guard the rulers and eunuch viziers of the Samarran kingdoms. He is represented as a crocodile-like dragon curled around itself. Domains: Life, War. Alignment: Lawful good.
Harvalun the Smith
God of smithing and crafting; strong of arm and mind but twisted of body and foot; god of fire burning in water and of secret crafts; patron or father of humanity and dwarves. He is represented as a hairy, bearded, deformed dwarf holding a hammer. Domain: Forge. Alignment: Lawful neutral.
Illiossus of the Dawn
Goddess of the dawn, spring, youth, beauty, love, fertility, and magic; queen of the high elves. Her symbol is the rose, the lily, or the daisy. Domains: Life, Light, Love. Alignment: Chaotic good.
Istana the Sun-Queen
Goddess of the sun, wisdom, learning, perception, the arts, trade, strategy, justice, and rebirth. She is represented as a queenly woman surrounded by the sun. Domains: Knowledge, Light. Alignment: Lawful good.
Mala the Earth-Mother
Mother of gods, goddess of earth, agriculture, growth, plenty, motherhood, and flowers; consort of Tyirro; favorite of halflings. She is represented as a stout woman holding stalks of grain. Domains: Life, Nature. Alignment: Neutral good.
Pashus the Traveler
God of herding, journeys, roads, meetings, marriage, music, the wilds, and fertility; father of gnomes and halflings. He is represented as a faun, often in sexual activities. Domains: Nature, Summoning. Alignment: Neutral.
Taltaan the Hunter
God of the moon, passion, changeability, confusion, prophecy, madness, ecstasy, inspiration, drunkenness, deep woods and untracked wilds; father of werewolves and king of the wood elves. He is represented as a powerful huntsman, face unseen beneath a mask, with great antlers and a long spear. Domains: Nature, Trickery. Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Theruun the Thunderer
God of storms, thunder, rain, mountains, trees, strength, and defeating monsters and evil spirits; lost an eye and a hand binding Tiamat in the underworld. He is represented as a mighty warrior, missing left eye and left hand, wielding an axe or a thunderbolt. Domains: Tempest, War. Alignment: Neutral.
Tyirro the Sky-Father
Father of the gods; god of the sky, law, conquest, civilization, and rulership. He is represented as a strong, elderly man in robes, or by a solar half-disk on a flat field. Domains: Knowledge, Light. Alignment: Lawful neutral.
The Weavers
Unnamed spider-goddesses who weave destiny from the past, the present, and the future. They are represented as spiders in a web, usually three at a time. Domain: Knowledge. Alignment: Neutral.
Zheros, the Dying Goddess
Goddess of the evening and death; daughter of Tyirro and twin sister of Eikaan, the first human to die, the mother of humanity who died in childbirth, escort of the dead to the underworld. She is represented as a chimera with the heads of a bull, a lion, and a serpent. Domain: Grave. Alignment: Neutral evil.

Zyirran Deities
Astarra of the Sickle Moon
Goddess of the low sun and the high moon, the winds and rain, magic and fertility. Her symbol is the sickle moon. Domains: Light, Love, Tempest. Alignment: Neutral.
Lelutha the Hungry
Goddess of night, darkness, disease, torment, vampirism, and predation; said to have been one of the Weavers who rejected fate; rival to Tiamat for the throne of Chaos; queen of the dark elves. She is represented as a queenly woman whose torso rises from the body of an immense spider. Domains: Death, Life. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Underworld demon-god of traitors and oathbreakers, whose spirits become his after death. Legends say Orcus is the father of all orcs, whom he first sent to the living world to collect his slaves. He is represented as a grotesque, burly figure with a hairy face and a mouth open to devour the world. Domains: Death, War. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Surkat the Conqueror
Devil-god of rivers, shallow waters, lakes, and the underworld; god of ambition and conquest, patron of sailors, traders, and soldiers, Father of Furies and king of devils; consort and rival of Tiamat. His symbol is a shark impaled by a spear. Domains: Forge, War. Alignment: Lawful evil.
Tiamat the Plunderer
Dragon-goddess of the deep seas, primordial Chaos, grasping greed, wealth, and vengeance; mother of monsters; by some accounts the devouring mother of all gods and all life; bound in the underworld by Theruun the Thunderer. She is represented as a multiheaded serpent or dragon. Domains: Knowledge, Summoning, Trickery. Alignment: Chaotic evil.

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