Deities of the Sunlands
In the Sunlanders’ own tongue, they call their country Ndamene, the Land of the Sun. Most Sunlanders ritually honor their ancestors, giving them sacrifices and asking for blessings and wisdom. Most also worship either Oltome or Simkar as a patron god, depending on the worshiper’s background; most worship both Enkop and Ndama as the father and mother of humanity and rulers of the world; and most honor Angkai as creator, but warily, as he is infamously unpredictable.
Underworld dwarf-god of devils, death, and sorcery. Domains: Death, Summoning. Alignment: Lawful evil.
Remote sky-god, creator of all, the spider and trickster, weaver of worlds, storms, and fate, as prone to heal as to harm. Domains: Tempest, Trickery. Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Earth goddess of farming and fertility; mother of humanity. Domains: Love, Nature. Alignment: Neutral.
Hyena-god of treachery and war. Domains: Trickery, War. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Sun god of healing, song, and wisdom; father of humanity. Domains: Life, Light. Alignment: Lawful good.
Elephant-god of farmers, craftsmen, and herders. Domains: Forge, Knowledge. Alignment: Neutral.
Lion-god of warriors and rulers, first king of the Sunlands, guardian of the living and the dead. Domains: Grave, War. Alignment: Lawful neutral.
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