Deities of the Valkans
The northern Valkan tribes are animistic and druidic, making little distinction except in scope between the spirits of individual trees, rocks, and animals, the spirits of the dead that find new homes in places or beasts, and the mighty gods of the earth and weather. Good and evil Northlanders alike serve their cruel gods when necessary.
Goddess of the earth, woods, rivers, and fertility. Some say the lands of the north are her flesh. Domains: Life, Nature. Alignment: Neutral.
Goddess of the sunrise and sunset, of prosperity, humor, luck, fate, and trade. Domains: Love, Trickery. Alignment: Neutral evil.
God of divination, inspiration, passion, eloquence, inexorable strength, and unconquerable rage. He is given human (or humanoid) sacrifices, tied to trees and flayed, before and after great battles. Domains: Forge, War. Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Goddess of the Underworld, the wife of Hisu, who escorts the dead into the earth until their spirits are reborn in new forms. Domains: Death, Summoning. Alignment: Lawful neutral.
God of the sky and storms. He is given human (or humanoid) sacrifices, chained to ceremonial wheels and burned, in spring and autumn. Domains: Light, Tempest. Alignment: Neutral evil.
God of rulership and protector of tribes and kingdoms. He is given human (or humanoid) sacrifices, the victims drowned in cauldrons of mead, at the equinoxes. Domain: Grave, Knowledge. Alignment: Lawful evil.
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