Sindusa, the Land of Light
Sindusa has the following general features:
Terrain: Sprawling, tumbling, dusty, ancient villages and castles surrounded by deep jungles and huge rivers. Tall mountains loom far in the distance.
Weather: Sweltering and humid. Any clothing at all feels stifling to wear. Sindusan warriors don armor only when battle is sure.
Sights: Buildings of stone and hard-packed clay. Shrines open to all visitors, often maintained by priests who offer their best wisdom and survive on gifts. Village streets reinforced with stones to make the mud of heavy rains less miserable. Roads between towns remain muddy year round. The sun and moon shine brilliant overhead, except when sudden staggering storms turn the world gray. In the forest, the brilliance of the sun is a deep, lush green and the gleaming moon is a dizzying pattern of chiaroscuro shadows.
Sounds: A hundred or a thousand unique songs of prayer or celebration at sunrise, the beginning of work, the day’s meal, work’s end, sunset, and deep night. Merchants calling out to strangers, begging them to see and buy the wonders of this great and ancient land. Chittering monkeys. The rumbling growl and coughing roar of a tiger held in captivity. The whisper of a snake gliding into leaves and out of sight.
Languages: Sindusan. The language known to the adventurers as Common is exotic. Only a handful of well-traveled merchants or unusually well educated nobles speak it. However, Common and Sindusan share strange, forgotten origins. An adventurer who knows Common and either Celestial or Primordial can make a simple idea, request, or instruction—one or two words—known in Sindusan with a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) test.
Appearance: Growing accustomed to the brilliant sun since time immemorial, the people of Sindusa have dark brown skin, almost universally black hair, and dark brown or black eyes. Most clothing, even the humblest loincloth, is brighly colored, and tunics and robes are woven with lovely patterns. Guards on duty wear scalemail shirts and carry long spears.
Female Names (roll 1d10): Adrika, Aditri, Antara, Charvi, Daksha, Gatha, Kavia, Nalini, Sukanya, Talika.
Male Names (roll 1d10): Athrit, Asav, Bavish, Danush, Harit, Jagrav, Naman, Nilay, Satvik, Sashwat.
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